Our Story

LetsMakeDev is driven by a shared vision to empower aspiring developers with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the ever-evolving world of technology to make learning and teaching more effective with active participation and student collaboration

Learn Coding, Start Coding


Welcome to LetsMakeDev, a dynamic online learning platform founded by a passionate team of developers and educators. Established by our dedicated team in 2021, LetsMakeDev is driven by a shared vision to empower aspiring developers with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Mission & Vision

At LetsMakeDev, our mission is clear — to democratize tech education. We believe in providing accessible, hands-on learning experiences that bridge the gap between theory and real-world application. Our values of  Innovation, Collaboration, & Accessibility to drive every aspect of our platform.

Things that make us proud

Dedicated Community: Our vibrant community of learners and educators who contribute to a positive and supportive learning environment.


Quality Content: The creation and delivery of high-quality, impactful courses that empower individuals to achieve their learning goals.


Global Impact: The ability to connect with and impact learners from diverse backgrounds and locations around the world.


Innovation: Constantly exploring and incorporating innovative teaching methods and technologies to enhance the learning experience.


Success Stories: Celebrating the achievements and success stories of our students and instructors, showcasing the tangible impact of our platform.


Inclusive Learning: Our commitment to providing accessible and inclusive learning opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds and abilities.


Continuous Improvement: Our dedication to consistently improving and evolving our platform based on user feedback and changing educational needs.


Community Engagement: Active participation in discussions, events, and collaborative initiatives within our community that foster a sense of belonging.


Positive Feedback: Receiving positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied learners and instructors who have benefited from our platform.


Lifelong Learning: Encouraging and facilitating a culture of lifelong learning, where education is viewed as a continuous journey rather than a destination.